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Statement For Fox News(Original Transcript)
- When do you plan to propose the iniative?
2. Can you explain what you are trying to accomplish with the African American Autonomy Act.
3. How would denying African Americans autonomous regions in DC , be debying basic human rights?
My answer to question #1: There will a hearing in which I get to present my argument for this initiative, within the next few months.
My answer to question # 2:
What I hope to accomplish with the African American Autonomy Act, is for three things.
1. To stop gentrification in DC, by preserving the few predominantly Black neighborhoods left in DC.
2. For Black people to be able to control the land, businesses, and institutions in our neighborhoods. I would like to turn predominately Black neighborhoods in D.C. into Black autonomous regions, which would would operate as towns with a certain level of independence from D.C. government. Autonomy
3. This initiative is simply advocating for the right U.S. constitution granted American citizens.
The U.S. constitution states that “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government…”
I would like to peacefully and nonviolently insitute a new government for African Americans in D.C. due to the…