6 min readDec 12, 2019

How “Judaism” Was Culturally Appropriated From Black People (In Defense of Kyrie Irving)

Disclaimer: I am still in the process of finishing the DVD “Hebrews To Negroes” which gained Kyrie Irving a suspension. I can not comment yet on what is untrue within the documentary until I am finished.

If Europeans (Jewish people included) didn’t remove us from our land, heritage, and culture during our genocide, we wouldn’t have to seek out knowledge of our heritage through a “DVD”. You can‘t knock a descendant of genocide for trying to learn his story that was lost during genocide. Ironically members of the community that are trying to “cancel” him, are also members of the same community that inflicted the genocide.

Today most people associate Israelites, “Hebrews”, and “Jewish People” ,with the Europeans who call themselves Jewish. DNA evidence shows that most European Jewish people, are not Israelites by blood, and have no genetic connection to the land Israel.. To some this may sound offensive, but it is simply the truth. This was proven by research.

In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim and her team at Tel Aviv University released their study which found that the European Jewish people were mainly from Khazaria, a Caucasus country which is now called Kazakhstan, Georgia, and other names. The Khazarians converted from pagan religions to talmudic Judaism after the 8th century.

In 2012, Dr. Eran Elhaik, (who is Jew-ish,)and his team at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School, conducted a study, and found that 90 percent of Azhkenazi Jew-ish people do not have ancestry from Israel.

The Khazarians converted to a religion called Judaism. Judaism is the mixing of the Talmud and Torah. The true descendants of Israel were only supposed to use the Bible, which includes the Torah. The religion that European Jewish people practice is not the same faith/spirituality that the original Israelites were given.The Torah is the first five books of Moses(Old Testament of the Bible). After Jesus was crucified, his message called the Gospel would would inspire the New Testament of Bible to be written. The descendants of Khazarians today who call themselves “Jewish” practice the religion of Judaism, which rejects the Messiah and New Testament of the Bible, where as the true Israelites believe that the Bible(Torah Included) is the only God inspired book.

Below is a link to an article written by an Ashkenazi Jewish person who took a DNA test and that test proved his ancestors did not descend from Israel.

Hope remained from my father’s line; in his haplogroup, the picture is different. It’s the R-CTS6 group, says the report, “that traces back to a man who lived less than 6,000 years ago. That’s nearly 240.0 generations ago!” Duh. But again, astonishingly, there’s not a trace of the Land of Israel in my ancestors’ journeys in the past 275,000 years. They never saw it, not even through binoculars. It’s the definite end of my Zionism. My deep connection with the Land of Israel faded in an instant and became nonexistent. Justice was with the Palestinians, and BDS will triumph. In this new situation, the only option is to become post-Zionist.”

Jewish Scholar Arthur Koestler wrote a book called the Thirteenth Tribe confirming the evidence that 90 percent of European Jewish people were Khazarians and not descendants of the Israelites called the Thirteenth Tribe.

Another Historian named Shlomo Sland, who was born to two Jewish Holocaust survivors confirmed this with his book, “The Invention of the Jewish People.”

A Jewish Historian named Benjamin H Freedman said in a 1961 speech at Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C.

What are the facts about the Jews? (I call them Jews to you, because they are known as “Jews.” I don’t call them Jews myself. I refer to them as “so-called Jews,” because I know what they are). The eastern European Jews, who form 92 per cent of the world’s population of those people who call themselves “Jews”, were originally Khazars. They were a warlike tribe who lived deep in the heart of Asia. And they were so warlike that even the Asiatics drove them out of Asia into eastern Europe. They set up a large Khazar kingdom of 800,000 square miles. At the time, Russia did not exist, nor did many other European countries. The Khazar kingdom was the biggest country in all Europe — so big and so powerful that when the other monarchs wanted to go to war, the Khazars would lend them 40,000 soldiers. That’s how big and powerful they were.”

This is just a small amount of the overwhelming evidence proving that the descendants of Khazarians who call themselves “Jewish people” are not Israelites.

Below is evidence straight from the Torah.

The book of Genesis 9:27 says,

“God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.”

The word “enlarge” was translated by Europeans, from the Hebrew word “Pathah” (paw-thaw). Pathah means to Deceive, Entice, Seduce, Trick; to be Gullible. That being said this verse is saying God will deceive Japheth and he will live where Shem lives. Which Is Israel.

Shem is who the Israelites descend from. This is where the word Semitic comes from. Japheth is who non-Israelites descend from. “Canaan shall be his servant.” Canaan is Palestine. According to the Torah, Ashkenazi Jewish people , who make up 90 percent of the world’s Jewish population, descend from non -Israelites(Genesis 10:2 — 3).

“2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.

3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.”

Ashkenaz in verse 3, refers to Ashkenazi Jewish people. To sum these verses up, it is a prophecy about how God would deceive Ashkenazi Jewish people into thinking they were the Israelites. Ashkenazi Jewish people established a nation in Israel, which they have no claim to and been committing genocide against Palestinians ever since.

Lastly this also means that the 1948 re-establishment of Israel did not fulfill biblical prophecy of the return of Jews to Israel. The Torah says that when the Jews return to Israel they would be worshipping Jesus. Today in Israel, you can not immigrate there as a Jew if you believe in Jesus.

Jewish people in Israel have been committing genocide against the Palestinians, because they think they are the descendants of that land. As we now know, most Jewish people do not descend from the Land of Israel.

Now knowing this truth, hopefully Jewish people can tell their communities that they were unfortunately miseducated, and that the true Jews of the Bible are the so-called Black people.